Bailiff Eviction

Legal Services

On your behalf, The Landlord Group will efficiently arrange for a bailiff eviction. Our lawyers will prepare and draft the court papers and arrange for a court bailiff to attend and physically remove the tenant from your property. You will then get your investment property back.

Stage 3: Bailiff Eviction

– £349 inc VAT

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A bailiff is a necessary requirement when your tenant ignores the court order and fails to vacate your property despite a court order ordering them to do so.

It is a criminal offence for a landlord to change the locks of their tenanted property even when a tenant has ignored the deadline in the court order to leave and has continued to reside at the property in breach of the order. Our lawyers act for many landlords who mistakenly believe that they can simply change the locks once the possession order date had come to pass, they can not. This could amount to an offence under the Protection from Eviction Act and must be avoided.

Advice from Local Authorities

Most, if not all, local authorities now regularly advise tenants, who are seeking to be re-housed into local authority owned accommodation, to remain in your property until the landlord has followed the eviction process as described in our stages 1, 2 and 3. If your tenant is in receipt of housing benefit or requires the local authority to re-house them, it is highly likely that the local authority will advise the tenant to remain in occupation of the property until the conclusion of all 3 stages of the eviction process. Invariably, this will mean the instructing and appointment of a county court bailiff. Failure by the tenant to follow this advice will render the tenant voluntarily homeless and the local authority will be unlikely to assist them further with their re-housing application.

If you can't afford to wait for a county court bailiff eviction, consider a High Court Enforcement Officer who will deal with the eviction in a shorter period of time.

Your Next Steps


Notice Eviction

We will prepare all eviction notices within 24 hours of receiving your instructions…

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Court Proceedings

The complete service – The Landlord Group’s own lawyers will prepare and…

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Bailiff Eviction

Fill out our Instruct Us Form for residential tenant evictions and we can get started on your notice.

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